Running Things

Big Darwin fan with Craig Engels

Episode Summary

A fun episode today as Riley interviews US 1500m national champion Craig Engels. Craig is in his new home in Portland, Oregon - a home he’s in the middle of renovating.

Episode Notes

A fun episode today as Riley interviews US 1500m national champion Craig Engels. Craig is in his new home in Portland, Oregon - a home he’s in the middle of renovating.

Craig reflects on a weird 2020, and highlights that he’s never been good at time trialling - he needs real racing to perform at his best. Craig also talks about his recent trip to Monaco and hanging out on yachts with teammate Donavan Brazier.

Craig talks about the life of a runner - the struggle to balance the quiet life of a runner who needs to rest, versus enjoying life and experiencing everything it has to offer. He’s found a great situation under the tutelage of his coach, Pete Julian, who understands Craig’s need for balance. Outside of running, Craig is passionate about sustainable energy and protecting the environment.

We also get the full story behind a memorable trip Craig made to Darwin a couple of years ago.


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